
Category: Case Study
Netflix - NFLX

Netflix Share Price Plunged More Than 40%! What Happened?

For the past decade, Netflix has been leading the entertainment streaming industry with other competitors, such as Disney, HBO and Amazon Prime jumping on-board to streaming services, with the hope to gain a piece of the market share.

lucid Motors

Lucid Motors: To The Moon?

Lucid Motors stock began trading on July 26 with the ticker symbol LCID on Nasdaq. Post IPO, the stock has rallied by more than 80%, generating lavish returns for investors.

NVIDIA stock

Nvidia: A Leading Semiconductor Stock

Nvidia was founded in 1993 by three American computer scientists, Jen-Hsun Huang, Curtis Priem, and Christopher Malachowsky. It is currently headquartered in Santa Clara, California.

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